Claims Handling

Every company is exposed to a variety of events that put its outcome and the achievement of strategic objectives at risk. It is essential to manage the possible moment of the harmful event (claim) better, through a specific consultancy in the context of a wider system of management of the company’s risks.

We help companies in all phases of opening, assessment and settlement of the claim.

To limit the negative consequences of the event and minimize the risk of business interruption, it is vital:

  • To reconstruct the dynamics of the event on time
  • To be able to evaluate the interested insurance coverage
  • To estimate the economic effects of the event
  • To organize the containment measures in a short time
  • To compensate damages for a rapid resumption of activity

When a loss hits, the company is not facing only the state of crisis that is generated, but also the negotiation with the insurers and a series of obligations aimed at complying with the contractual commitments made with the insurance company, to obtain adequate compensation. In-depth technical and legal knowledge, familiarity with the criteria for setting policies, the procedures to be followed and the precautions to be taken to ensure the correct compensation for the damages incurred are required.

A specialized consultancy helps to transform a negative event like a loss into an opportunity for development and improvement of the affected entity. In fact, the occurrence of a loss is the testing field of the actual effectiveness of the measures put in place to protect the company’s goods and assets.

The consultant’s specialized assistance helps to manage the necessary steps to obtain adequate compensation for the suffered damages, providing a careful interdisciplinary approach for all the steps to be followed and all the precautions to be implemented.

Offered services:


  • Loss adjustment activities
  • Legal advice
  • Recovery activity for active claims
  • Management of high frequency liability claims as T.P.A
  • Support in the identification of specific interventions aimed at limiting the impact of the event and its effects on the continuity of the activity
  • Technical assessment advice on loss settlemen